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Spiced Redbush Chai

I always get a bit giddy at this time of year! I LOVE Autumn! I know I'm probably getting a bit ahead of myself, as we're in for a beautiful Indian Summer, I'm sure! But the mornings are cold and dewy, the sunrise is pink, the heather is purple, the cobwebs are silhouetted against the railings and yes, the leaves are turning to orange and starting to make that layer of irresistible crunch on the ground. The nights are drawing in too, which means a valid excuse to get cosied up in bed early with a good book.

It's also the harvest season for earthy berries, apples, mushrooms and root veg. Hearty soups, roast dinners, CRUMBLE, crumpets and tea by the fire after a day foraging and walking - ah, I'm so excited!

One of my favourite warming drinks is Spicy Chai - usually made with black tea, I make mine with Redbush as it's earthy flavour works wonders with the spices. The masala of spices is known in Ayurveda to help boost immunity (something we need to focus on before the winter months), improve digestive fire (helpful as we enter roast and crumble season), and reduce inflammation throughout the body. The main spices are:

Ginger - powerful anti-inflammatory, cleanser of ama, or toxins, and soothing for the digestion

Cinnamon - helps to control bloody sugar and calms the digestive tract

Cloves - cleansing for any build up of mucus in the body, especially in the lungs

Black Pepper -

Cardamom - both stimulate the digestive fire, or agni, increasing digestive metabolism and increasing circulation to help warm up the entire body.

So, with all these lovely benefits, whilst it's raining and cold outside, get snuggled up with a cup of Redbush Chai! Enjoy!

Recipe below makes about 4 large cups (vary the quantities to suit your taste/need). I always have a chai mix already made up so I'm not faffing about every time! Just keep it in a jar.


4 cups water 1 tablespoon grated ginger 10-12 green cardamom pods 2 black cardamom pods (optional - I don't always use these) 8-10 cloves 12-15 black peppercorns â…› stick cinnamon - or more, depending on your taste 2-3 tablespoons Redbush tea, or 3-4 teabags

Shot of Spiced Rum (optional - for those really dark and cold days when only the sofa and netflix will do!)


  • Put spices in a pestle and mortar, give them a little smash or two, just to crack the cardamom pods.

  • Boil water, add to a small pan. Add ginger and spices. Reduce to a simmer for about 10 minutes.

  • Add tea and simmer for another approx. 5 minutes.

  • Add your milk of choice to taste, or add extra hot water once strained.

  • Strain through a fine mesh sieve into mugs.

  • Add honey to taste.

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