In a yoga class a few years ago, the teacher asked us to tune in to how we were individually feeling right in that present moment. Joy?Sadness?Physical pain? Emotional pain?anger?happiness? As I sat there trying hard to figure out what I was actually feeling, I realised that I felt nothing. I was numb. Physically, emotionally, mentally numb. After a difficult year losing my Dad to cancer, a long-term relationship break up, a move away from my life and friends back to where I grew up and having no job, the sudden realisation that I'd shut myself down to cope with it all was a huge turning point. It was a sign that it was time for Me to start looking after Me.
I am not the only one to experience loss and grief, difficult life events and a build up of chronic stress which forces our nervous systems to shut down in order that we can keep going. This is life as we know it, continually pushing ourselves to the limit just to be seen to be keeping up, fearful of what would happen, what we would find, if we just stopped, even for a few moments, breathe and ask ourselves "How do I feel, right now?"
Through the practice of Reflexology, Meditation and Yoga, I have found these moments to stop, and yes, sometimes they have been painful spaces filled with anger, sadness and tears. But how good to feel again! As with everything in this world, there is always a balancing opposite so there will always be Joy, Peace, Health and Wellbeing.
RedBush Therapies are my way of sharing with you the tools I have learnt, and continue to learn, to give you the tools and space you need to help you cope with life so that you can live as your Healthiest and Happiest Self.